Dan Powell’s Hereford Times Column

The good people of Redhill have got to know me well since 2019, but for the rest of the county let me introduce myself. My Name is Dan Powell, I am a County Councillor and now the Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Candidate for Hereford and South Herefordshire.
Since I was selected by my local party in Dec 2023, The team and myself have knocked on well over 2000 doors, and the most common question I get asked is, Why Should I Vote For You?"
To which I often respond with 'I believe in life we have a choice, we can accept how things are or we can have the courage to change things and try to make ourselves and our communities better.'
When I was 11 | broke my back, playing rugby, aged 12 the NHS fixed it.
I went from being educated at St Marys to becoming educated at home. When I finished Secondary School I wanted to go to Hereford 6th form so I got the grades needed.
Following this I chose to have jobs in the 'real world'. I was an apprentice estate agent, a cook and now I sell flooring for a living.
Relatively quickly upon joining the workforce I realized that no one really stands up for young working people. I wanted to make a difference so I stood for election at age 20 and got elected to Hereford City Council, the youngest councillor at the time.
Living and working in Herefordshire, I know the shocking NHS waiting times whether that is in A&E or to see a Dentist. I know how badly we need to sort out the traffic in our city. Like you I know the problems in paying the bills, rent or mortgage. I understand these problems as I, like you, deal with them daily.
In Herefordshire we do have a choice, that is, do we want to continue down the same road we are on with the current conservative offering or do we want change?
For Prime minister it's a fight between Labour or the Conservatives, but in Herefordshire where we have only ever elected a Liberal Democrat or Conservative MP.
The choice is between our current MP or myself.
I Believe it's time for change.